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We are one of the fastest growing and smartly emerging treatment center in Ghaziabad with highly trained professionals and supportive staff for a long-term change in a person’s behavior. As an NGO we are focused on change in mankind and humanity with our esteemed support staff and engagement with our clients we believe we can change the odds in a person’s life, nature, and behavior. We believe that a life changed is a life saved. By doing this work for our society we feel very proud and grateful that we have changed 350 lives for the betterment of society and humanity. Our founder has given his heart and soul to this place which is located in Ghaziabad. Since we started we have grown a trust and faith in our clients or instead, we should call them family because, by the time they come to stay with us, we consider them to be a part of Sadbhaawna family. By considering our hard work and dedication the government also provided their support and approved this process to build a better future.





Cycling is a wonderful workout that keeps you active. It can help shape a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. Cycling can ease feelings of stress, depression, or anxiety. Focusing on the road or your cadence when cycling can help you develop concentration and awareness of the present moment.


Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health. You can also use it to relax and cope with stress by refocusing your attention on something calming. Meditation can help you learn to stay centered and keep inner peace.


The faster, farther and more frequently you walk, the greater the benefits. Turning your normal walk into a fitness stride requires good posture and purposeful movements. If you find yourself skipping your daily walks, don’t give up. Remind yourself how good you feel when you include physical activity


Yoga is often partially understood as being limited to asanas or poses, and its benefits are only perceived to be at the physical level. However, we fail to realize the immense benefits yoga offers in uniting the body, mind, and breath. When you are in harmony, the journey through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling.


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